How to Make Good First Impressions

Make good first impressionsPeople judge you by the way, you present yourself. Over time they forget details about you, but never the moment they first time saw you. So, how to make good first impressions so that you have nothing to feel embarrassed about and make people perceive you properly.

Studies have shown that first 7 seconds are decisive for making a good impression. The way you shake hands, smile, your posture send a message to your partner. As you are making your introduction, they get a sense of how genuine you are and if you are the right person for them.

Acknowledging the importance of those first few seconds will help you a lot, but it’s not the case to neglect the way you will make others feel during the further conversation. Here are a few ways to help you start off on the right foot and make good first impressions.

You will never get a second chance to make a good first impression.  Will Rogers

Be punctual
What can be more unpleasant than making others waiting for you?! Carefully plan you time and take into account traffic delays to be sure you will be on time. In cases of long delays is better to reschedule the meeting. Respect yours and others time!

Dress properly
Plan ahead what you will wear at the interview and make sure it fits the purpose. Clothes, accessories, shoes all of them have to be carefully selected not only for the sake of interview but also to help you feel the best.

Body language
Our body sends dozens of signals without us saying nothing. Our posture, the way week keep our hands, gesticulations, handshakes speaks a lot about us. Studies have shown that body language has 4 times greater impact on making first impression than anything you say. Therefore, make sure you sit right, smile genuinely and keep eyes contact to make good first impressions.

Forget about cell phone
A phone that rings during a first meet is a sign that you are not taking it so seriously or have a short memory. Turn off you phone and dedicate those 10-20 minutes to the discussion. First of all, it’s a sign of respect for your interlocutor and a way to stay focused.

Be talkative
Prepare ahead of time and learn something about the company, people you are about to meet to be able to keep a conversation interesting. It can be anything from services they provide with or a simple question related to company’s activity.

What else can you do to make good first impressions?

Listen to what you’re told
Presenting total interest for what you are told is definitely helping you to make good first impressions. Use your body language to show that you are really interested and listen to with maxim attention.

Be polite
Being polite has always helped to make good first impressions. Don’t forget about “Thank you”, “Please” and others good manners and use every time is the case.

Be yourself
We all know how uncomfortable first meetings are. Relaxing and trying to create a pleasant atmosphere helps a lot to make a good conversation. And from this to making a good first impression is just one step.

Keep this in mind!
Be confident, dress properly, watch your body language and show genuine interest to the person you are talking with. These are key moments that help you make good first impressions.

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