Translations Announces Summer Exhibits!

On Thursday, May 10th, from 7-9 PM, we’ll be hosting a reception for visiting photographer, Phil Borges, who will lead a gallery tour, speaking about his interactions with some of the subjects in the STIRRING THE FIRE exhibit and also answer any questions that visitors may have about the exhibit.Light refreshments and wine will be served.A handful of tickets still remain, are $15, and may be purchased by e-mailing Craig at [email protected]’t miss this opportunity to meet a world-renowned artist!

Find us on FACEBOOK!

Foot traffic would suggest that more of you are fans of the gallery than our Facebook page would suggest.Ever since we’ve incorporated as Translations Art Gallery, we’ve been encouraging those of you who were fans of the Anderson Creative page (which you SHOULD remain fans of) to also jump over and “like” the Translations page ( is a prime way for us to market and go viral with the artistic crowd near and far, so please take two seconds, help us out, and encourage your friends to do so as well! Thanks much!


It’s time for our latest national juried exhibit, this time curated by former intern, now staffer and fantastic artist herself, Heather Bullach.Heather has concocted a fantastic idea, and we’re excited to see the results of THEN AND NOW, gracing our walls this August.If you’re an artist or know an artist or know someone who knows artists, please pass along the following link, which spells out all the details of what we’re looking for, how to apply and how we’ll make selections.Check it all out at

Announcing SUMMER EXHIBITS 2012

We’re so excited to introduce you to some new friends we’ve made over the past year, collaborating on their exhibits which will hit Canton – finally – this summer!

JUNE 2012


Rich joins us from his studio in Rhode Island (, bringing along his special brand of illustration, painting and artistry.RESUSCITATORUM is Latin for “reinvigorate” or “refresh” and, in this exhibit, Pellegrino attempts to breathe new life into the fairy tales, myths and literary classic of his youth.It’s a whole new kind of Princess Show, which finds Pellegrino painting a myriad of sleeping beauties, all clutching symbols and objects from their respective stories, inviting viewers to recollect these ladies of yore.These contemporary interpretations of the slumbering promise to awaken us all to new ways of viewing the old stories we’ve come to love.Don’t miss out!

JULY 2012


NATALIE DUNHAM Overtakes Our Gallery

Natalie Dunham ( is know for transforming large empty spaces into surreal environments filled with hanging, suspended, towering and creeping large-scale works made of natural and found objects. We were so impressed with what we’d seen that we sent her some drawings and measurements of the gallery and asked her to work her magic. The result? An opportunity for you to walk, crawl and wander through a plethora of forms, shapes, textures and materials, all exploring the notions of transition and change – how we operate on the border between what was, what is and what’s to become.This is an experience unlike anything the gallery has hosted before.


THEN AND NOW: National Juried Exhibit

Artists from around the country will dig in their chests, trunks and closets, pull out artwork they created as children and then reinterpret those old pieces as adults. the results will hang side-by-side in an exhibit that bridges the gap between youth and maturity.


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Categories: Art

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